William Hawk Source Documentation

Provided by Marshall W. Williams of the Morgan County Georgia Records Archives 9/17/99


  1. Source: Inventory and Appraisement Book 1808-1814.
    27 June 1814 Rebeckah Hawk & Jacob Hawk application for letters of Adm on the Estate of Wm Hawk deceased citations Isd to the Journal
    Note "citations Isd to the journal" refers to notices posted in the newpaper Georgia Journal of Milledgeville, the primary area newspaper of the time.
  2. Source: Minutes of Ordinary, 1808-1822, p.102, Monday, 7 Nov 1814 Session of Court.
    Letters of administration was granted to Hezekiah Bailey on the Estate of Wm Bailey Deceased. Also letters of administration to Jacob Hawk and Ganaway Malcom on the Estate of William Hawk Deceased.
    Note: no record of letters of adm granted to Rebecca Hawk
  3. Source: Letter of authorization to appraise the estate of Wm Hawk, "late of this county deceased", dated 7 Nov 1814.
    Appraisers were James Ware, Jesse Butler, Jehu Peeples, Eldridge Butt, Cyrus Billings.
  4. Source: Appraisal itemization dated 8 Nov 1814.
    Primary value of the estate derived from 7 black slaves valued at $2175.00. Negros named were King, Charity, Ephraim, John, Sofiney?, Isaack, Arnold. Listed are administrators Jacob Hawk and Ganaway Malcom. Noted at the bottom of the document, "Recorded in adm Book B folio 6 this 2 Jany 1815". Also in the estate were 17 head of hogs, a horse, 1 cow and 3 yearlings, and half of a set of smith tools. Note that there are two versions of this document, one is the original, the other is a handwritten copy more legible.
  5. Source: Inventory and Appraisement Book 1808-1814, page 43.
    "A list of notes & accts which have been discharged by Gannaway Malcom adm of Wm Hawkes Estate for said decd.".
  6. Source: Inventory and Appraisement Book 1808-1814, page 181.
    Dated 1 Sep 1817, list of 7 expenses paid by Ganaway Malcom adm and 75.00 cash rec'd.