Hillsman Hawk Administration
March 1867 - December 1871
Source: Carol Reardon Hawk
Pages dated Monday March 4th 1867
Estate of Hillsman Hawk Dec'd
Georgia Walton County
Application for temporary Administration
To the ordinary of said county the petition of Jasper N. Smith respectfully shows that Hillsman Hawk deceased a resident of said county at the time of his death - departed this life on the 1st day of March 1867 leaving a considerable estate both real and personal and that said deceased at the time of his death was entirely intestate as your petitioner believes and alleges your petitioner further showeth that on account of the length of time required by law to advertise for permanent letters of administration great loss and injury may happen to said estate on account of the peculiar condition of the same unless temporary administration is granted immediately on said estate and that your petitioner is a son-in-law of said deceased. Your petitioner in conclusion would state that the probable value of the personal property of said estate is one thousand dollars.
Mch 4 1867 ..................... J.N. Smith
Walton County of Ordinary March Term 1867
The application of Jasper N. Smith for temporary letters of administration on the estate of Hillsman Hawk deceased late of said county being before the court for action and the court being satisfied that his application should be granted. It is therefore ordered that Jasper N. Smith be and is hereby appointed temporary Administration of Hillsman Hawk Estate and that he give bond and approved security in the sum of two thousand dollars. Thereupon came the said Jasper N. Smith and gave bond in the sum of Two thousand dollars with J.B. Queen and Jacob Hawk for securities which said bond is approved and ordered to be received filed and recorded - and took the oath of office and it is further ordered that temporary letters of administration issue to Jasper N. Smith as temporary administrator of Hillsman Hawk's estate.
Estate of Hillsman Hawk Dec'd
Appointment of Appraising
Upon the application of Jasper N. Smith temp'y admn of Hillsman Hawk dec'd for the appointment of appraising to appraise the estate of said deceased. Ordered that warrant of appraisement issue to Powell Blasingame, Josiah E Nunnally, James Ray, Thomas J Malcom and L.A. Pattillo, Freeholding in the usual form.
Estate of Hillsman Hawk Dec'd
Georgia Walton County
Application for leave to sell personalty
To the ordinary of said county. The petition of Jasper N. Smith temporary Administrator of Hillsman Hawk showeth that there is a considerable amount of personal perishable property belonging to said estate which is liable to great waste and injury and to deteriorate in value unless the same is brought to speedy sale - and that such is the condition and situation of said estate that to sell said property would be most conducive to the interest of said estate and all parties interested. Wherefore your petitioner prays that an order may be granted authorizing him as temporary administrator to sell the personal perishable property of said estate at the earliest day practicable consistent with the interest of said estate.
March 4th 1867
J.N. Smith Temp'y adm
Upon hearing the foregoing petition it appearing to the court that the perishable property belonging to the estate of Hillsman Hawk dec'd is liable to waste and deteriorate in value unless the same is brought to speedy sale. Ordered that Jasper N. Smith temporary administrator of said Hillsman Hawk have leave to sell said perishable property upon giving ten days notice of the place, time and terms of such sale according to law.
Estate of Hillsman Hawk Dec'd
Georgia Walton Cty
Application for Widows and Childrens Allowance
To the ordinary of said county. The petition of Nancy A. Hawk widow of Hillsman Hawk respectfully showeth that her said husband departed this life leaving your petitioner and three minor children without having made provision for their support for the space of twelve months and that no provision for such support has been made under the law. Wherefore she prays that five discreet persons may be appointed as appraisers by this court to set apart and assign a sufficiency from her said husbands estate - either in money or property for their support and maintainence for the space of twelve months from the date of letters of administration upon said estate according to the Circumstances and standing of the family previous to the death of said intestate and also to set apart and assign a sufficient amount of the household and kitchen furniture of said estate for their use and that said appraising be required to return their action in the premises according to law and your petitioner would further show that due and legal notice of this application has been given to Jasper N. Smith Temp'y administrator of said deceased.
J.W. Arnold, Petitioners Atty
Walton Court of Ordinary March Term 1867
Upon the application of Nancy A. Hawk widow of Hillsman Hawk for the appointment of five discreet appraisers to set apart and assign a sufficiency from the estate of said deceased for the support and maintainence of said Nancy A. Hawk and three minor children for the space of twelve months. It is ordered that Powell Blasingame, Thomas J Malcom, Augustus Patillo, Josiah E Nunnally and James Ray be and they are hereby appointed appraisers to set apart and assign to said widow either in money or property a sufficiency from the estate for their support and maintainence for the space of twelve months from the date of letters of administration upon said estate to be estimated and calculated according to the Circumstances and standing of the family previous to the death of said intestate and keeping in view also the solvency of the estate and also set apart and assign to said widow and minor children a sufficient amount of the household and kitchen furniture of said estate for their use. And said appraisers are required to render to the ordinary a schedule of the property or amount of money so set apart in writing under their hands and seals within three months from the date of their action.
..............................Jesse Mitchell Ordinary
Due and legal service acknowledged on the within application for Widows allowance.
March 4 1867
Jasper N. Smith
Temp adm.
Letters of Administration
book X-6 pg 275
State of Georgia, Walton County
To all whom these presents shall come Greeting
Whereas Jasper N Smith has made application to me for letters of administration on the Estate of Hillsman Hawk late of said county deceased and whereas in consequence thereof the necessary forms have been allowed and citation duly issued returnable to the regular term of the court of ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in May next and it being suggested to me that unless authority is granted to some person to collect and gather up the goods chattels and effects of said deceased during that period of time the same will be liable to be made waste and injured. Now therefore know ye that I Jesse Mitchell Ordinary of said county by virtue of the authority in me vested by law have granted and by these presents do grant unto the said Jasper N. Smith tempr'y admin full power by the tenor of these presents to collect and gather up the goods and chattels and effects of the said deceased and keep the same without impoverishment or waste until legal administration shall be granted and to render a just and true account of the same when thereunto required.
Given under my hand this 4th day of March 1867
Jesse Mitchell Ordinary
Recorded March 4, 1867
Thomas Giles D Clk
Tuesday May 7, 1867
Pursuant to adjournment the court of Ordinary of Walton County met this day Present Jesse Mitchell Ordinary
Estate of Hillsman Hawk Dec'd
Georgia Walton County
Application for Administration
To the Ordinary of said county.
The petition of Jasper N. Smith respectfully shows that Hillsman Hawk a citizen of said county departed this life on the 1st day of March 1867 leaving a considerable estate consisting of personal property, real estate and evidence of debt of the probable value of seven thousand dollars, that your petitioner being one of the next of kin has received temporary letters of administration on said estate, that said deceased was entirely intestate, as your petitioner believes, at the time of his death, that your petitioner is a citizen of said state and county and of lawful age wherefore he prays citation may issue that he may obtain permanent letters of Administration on said estate.
March 4th, 1867
Jasper N. Smith
Page 296 of Minutes of Ordinary
Georgia Walton County
Know all me by these presents that we Jasnper N. Smith and Jacob Hawk and J. B. Queen. Securities are held and firmly bound unto his Honor Jesse Mitchell the Ordinary of said county for the time being and his successors in office in the just and full sum of Two Thousand dollars for the payment of which sum to the said Ordinary and his successors in office we bind ourselves our heirs executors and Administrators in the whole and for the whole sum jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 4th day of March 1867.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Jasper N. Smith hath this day obtained letters temporary of administration o fthe said Jesse Mitchell Ordinary as aforesaid to collect take caree of the goods chattels and effects of Hillsman Hawk deceased. Now if the said Jasper N. Smith shall take into his possession the goods chattels and effects of the said deceased and keep the same without impoverishment or waste until legal administration thereon shall be granted and account fully with the permanenet admin of said estate of all his acts as temporary admn and shall faithfully perform the trust reposed in him as Temporary Administrator of the estate of said deceased then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force power and virtue.
Signed Sealed Acknowledged Stamped ..............................J N Smith (seal)
& delivered in presence of T Giles JP............................J B Queen (seal)
Approved & ordered to record Mch 4 1867 J Mitchell Ordinary .....Jacob Hawk (seal)
Recorded March 7th 1867 Jesse Mitchell Ordinary
At Chambers March 1867
The foregoing petition of Jasper N. Smith that he may obtain permanent letters of Administration on estate of Hillsman Hawk late of Walton County deceased being read and considered by me. Ordered that Citation issue and be published and served in time for disposal at May term next of this court, requiring all persons concerned to show cause why the administration of said estate should not be vested in the Applicant on the said term.
Jesse Mitchell Ordinary - Walton County of Ordinary May Term 1867
Citation having been duly issued and published requiring all and Singular the next of Kin and Creditors of Hillsman Hawk deceased late of said county - to appear at this term of the court and show cause if any they could why permant letters of admistration should not be granted to Jasper N. Smith of said county one of the next of kin of said deceased and the parties so cited making no valid objections in the premises. It is ordered by the court that letters of administration upon the estate of Hillsman Hawk deceased issue to Jasper N. Smith as administrator of Hillsman Hawk upon his giving bond in the sum of fourteen thousand dollars - with approved security.
The condition of the above Obligation is such that if the above bound Jasper N Smith Administrator of the goods chattels rights credits lands and tenements of Hillsman Hawk deceased do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the personal property and real estate of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands or possession of any other person or persons for him and the same so made do exhibit to the court of Ordinary - of said county - when he shall be thereunto required and such goods chattels rights credits lands and tenements do well and truly administer according to law and do make a just and true account of his actings and doings thereon when required by the said court of ordinary of said county. And all the rest of teh goods chattels rights credits lands and tenements which shall be found remaining upon the account of the said administration the same being first allowed by the said court shall deliver and pay to such persons respectively as are entitled to the same by law. And if it shall hereafter appear that any last Will and Testament was made by the said deceased and the same be proved before the court and the Executors obtain a Certificate of the Probate thereof and the said Jasper N Smith do in such case if required render and deliver up said letters of administration then the obligation to be void else remain in full force.
J N Smith (seal)
Barnet Adcock (seal)
J B Queen (seal)
W H Smith (seal)
A T Smith (seal)
Signed Sealed Stamped & Delivered
in presence of Thos Giles J.P
Approved & ordered to record May 7th
1867 Jesse Mitchell Ordinary
Recorded May 9th 1867.
Jesse Mitchell Ordinary
Tuesday May 7th 1867
Thereupon came the said Jasper N. Smith and gave bond in the sum of fourteen thousand dollars with Barnet Adcock, J.B. Queen, William H. Smith, A.T. Smith and William Smith for securities and took the oath office - which said bond is approved and ordered to be received filed and recorded and Letters of Administration issued to Jasper N. Smith as Administrator of Hillsman Hawk deceased accordingly.
Letters of Administration X-6 Pg 277
Georgia Walton County
By the court of Ordinary of said county
Whereas Hillsman Hawk late of said county deceased lately died intestate having while he lived and at the time of his death divine goods rights and credits within the county aforesaid by means whereof the full disposition and power of granting the administration of all and singular the goods rights and credits of the said deceased and also auditing the accounts calculations and reckonings of said administration and a final dismission of the same to the court aforesaid does of right belong and desiring that the goods rights and credits of said deceased may be well and truly administered converted and disposed of said court doth hereby grant unto Jasper N Smith administrator full power by the tenor of these presents to administer the goods rights and credits of said deceased which to him in his lifetime and at the time of his death did belong and to ask levy recover and receive the same and to pay the debts in which the deceased stood bound so far forth as his goods rights and credits will extend according to their rate and order of law (being first sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God to make a true and perfect inventory thereof and to exhibit the same to the clerk of the court of ordinary in the county aforesaid in order to be recorded on or before the [blank] day of [blank] next ensuing and to render a just and true account of said administration yearly according to law until your administration is completed) and you are hereby ordained constituted and appointed administrator of all and singular the goods rights and credits of said deceased.
In witness whereof and by authority of said court at a regular term thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office this 7th day of may 1867
Jesse Mitchell Ordinary of said County
Recorded May 10th 1867
Thomas Giles D Clk
MINUTES May 1867 - April 1871, Pages 101 - 103
Monday, November 4th 1867
Estate of Hillsman Hawk deceased Georgia Walton County
Application for leave to sell Realty
To the ordinary of said county.
The petition of Jasper N Smith Administrator of Hillsman Hawk dec'd late of said county, shows that said decedent departed this life leaving as a part of his estate the following parcel of land, to wit the place whereon said deceased lived at the time of his death, containing three hundred and ninety seven [397] acres more or less, embracing lot 103 of 250 acres, one hundred and twenty five [125] acres off the South West side of lot No. 102, and twenty one and a half [21.5] acres off the northeast corner of lot No. 114; five hundred [500] acres embracing lot No. 40 & No.’s (numbers) of other lots not known adjoining Mack Adcock and others & lying on each side of Little Sandy Creek - one hundred [100] acres more or less off lot No. 78 whereon is a good Stone house dwelling & c. - that the widows dower is included in and covers the aforesaid premises. Also one town lot in the town of Monroe. Known in the plan of said town as part of lot No. 31 fronting on Broad Street, thirty feet more or less, and running back [blank] feet to an alley, thence up that alley fifty feet more or less, containing one half acre more or less. Also the following wild lands, lot No. 45 10th District 2nd section of Cherokee County GA containing one hundred and sixty [160] acres more or less, lot No. 1198 third district 3rd section of originally Cherokee now Paulding County GA containing 40 acres more or less, and lot No. 17 -- District of Sumter containing one hundred [100] acres more or less. That such is the situation of Hillsman Hawk estate that it is necessary to sell all of said described land. To pay the debts and liability of said decedent. Wherefore he prays the judgement of the court or ordinary of said county granting an order to sell said land after Two Months Notice of this his application shall have been published in the public gazette according to law.
Jasper N. Smith Admn of H. Hawk
Filed in office Aug 21st 1867 Thomas Giles D Clk
Walton Court of Ordinary, November term 1867
The application of Jasper N Smith administrator of Hillsman Hawk dec'd for leave to sell the lands belonging to the Estate of said decedent having been heard and it appearing to the court that due and legal notice of such application for leave to sell has been published for Two Months in the Southern Watchman a public gazette of said state, according to law, and it further appearing to the court upon satisfactory proof submitted that it is necessary to sell said lands in order to pay the debts of said decedent, it is ordered by the court that Jasper N. Smith Admn have leave to sell all the land of Hillsman Hawk deceased. To wit that tract whereon deceased lived at the time of his death embracing lot No. 103 250 acres, 125 acres off the south west side of lot 102 and twenty one and a half [21.5] acres off the north east corner of lot No. 114. - Containing three hundred and ninety seven [397] acres more or less - 500 acres embracing lot No. 40 and No.'s of other lots not known, adjoining Mack Adcock and others lying on each side of Little Sandy Creek 100 acres more or less off lot No. 78. Whereon is a good dwelling Stone house & c. All of which lands lie in the 2nd district of said county and includes the widows Dower - one town lot in Monroe known as part of lot No. 31 fronting on Broad Street thirty feet more or less running back [blank] feet more or less to an alley thence along that alley fifty feet more or less, Containing one half acre more or less. And the following wild lands, lot No. 45 10th district 2nd section of Cherokee County GA Containing one hundred and sixty [160] acres more or less lot No. 1198 3rd district 3rd section of originally Cherokee now Paulding County GA containing forty [40] acres more or less and lot No. 17 -- District of Sumter County GA containing one hundred [100] acres more or less. As prayed for, for the purpose of paying the debts of Hillsman Hawk deceased.
ANNUAL RETURN Q 1866-1870 pg 327
Sale Bill of the personal property of Hillsman Hawk deceased
Sold on the 14th March 1867 for cash in United States Currency
[Note by Victor: I have filled in all appearances of "ditto".]
10 lbs Soda | G. Malcom | 1.00 |
1 Side Board | Seaborn Hawk | 1.25 |
1 Table | Seaborn Hawk | 0.10 |
1 Lot of Books | N. A. Hawk | 0.25 |
1 lot of Books | Robert Aycock | 1.90 |
1 Table | Sarah Hawk | 1.50 |
1 looking Glass | Sarah Hawk | 0.30 |
2 Decanters | George Allcorn | 0.40 |
2 Decanters | Joseph Queen | 0.35 |
3 Slugs 35 cts each | Joseph Queen | 1.05 |
3 Slugs [Sleighs?] 20 cts each | F. M. Peters | 1.20 |
3 More | Jacob Hawk | 2.40 |
1 Beaurea [Bureau] | Mahala Hawk | 6.75 |
1 Canister Stand | Mahala Hawk | 0.75 |
1 Ward Robe | Sarah Hawk | 8.50 |
1 Chest | J. Hawk | 2.50 |
1 Folding Table | Haley Hawk | 5.00 |
1 Map | Dr. Hardman | 1.25 |
1 Ladys Hat | Dr. Hardman | 0.25 |
1 Mans Hat | Dr. Hardman | 0.33 |
1 Hat | William Smith | 0.55 |
1 Hat | W. Jones | 0.50 |
1 Hat | Joseph Queen | 1.10 |
1 Hat | A. H. Walker | 0.45 |
1 Hat | Dr. Hardman | 0.10 |
1 Hat | John Nunley | 0.65 |
1 Pair Shoes | B. Adcock | 1.25 |
1 Pair Shoes | W. Cleaton | 1.50 |
1 Pair Shoes | J. R. Malcom | 1.00 |
1 Pair Shoes | J. Nunley | 1.65 |
1 Pair Shoes | J. Nunley | 1.50 |
21 Sacks | J. B. Queen | 1.89 |
1 Matress | Sicero Blasingame | 7.75 |
1 Spinning Wheel | Judge Hawk | 0.10 |
1 spinning wheel | Judge Hawk | 0.15 |
Sausage Mill | Wm A. Kinage[?] | 1.50 |
1 Jar Lard | Mrs. N. Hawk | 3.20 |
1 Jar | Doct'r Hardman | 0.75 |
1 Jar | Mrs. N. A. Hawk | 0.50 |
2 Jars | Mrs. N. A. Hawk | 0.30 |
1 Jar | Mrs. N. A. Hawk | 0.50 |
4 Boxes and 2 Barrells | N. A. Hawk | 1.00 |
100 lb. Soap | N. A. Hawk | 5.00 |
1 Dry Hide | Mahala HAwk | 0.05 |
84 Bushels Corn | N. A. Hawk | 126.00 |
3 Empty Barrells | N. A. Hawk | 0.25 |
1 Chop Ax | J. R. Malcom | 0.15 |
2 Buckets & Coffee pots | J. M. Peters | 0.75 |
1 Lot of Tin | J. Queen | 1.05 |
1 Lot of Tin | James Peters | 0.70 |
1 Lot of Buckets | John Jackson | 0.95 |
Scoop & Can | Ellick Hawk | 0.25 |
1 Jug Vinegar | N. A. Hawk | 0.30 |
2 Jugs | C. L. Blasingame | 0.30 |
2 Jugs | Daniel Peters Freedman | 0.30 |
1 Jar | Doctr Hardman | 0.15 |
1 Jar | Job Hawk Freedman | 0.15 |
1 Jar | Dick Thompson Col. | 0.10 |
8 Tumblers | N. A. Hawk | 1.20 |
6 Chairs | John A. Malcom | 3.00 |
6 Chairs | W. Ivey | 3.96 |
6 Chairs | Isaac Malcom | 4.80 |
10 lb Soda | Isaac Malcom | 1.00 |
10 Pounds of Soda | John Nunley | 1.00 |
10 pounds of Soda | John Jackson | 1.00 |
10 pounds of Soda | H. Green | 1.00 |
4 old Wagon Wheels | T. J. Malcom | 1.25 |
2 Hubs and Sundries | T. J. Malcom | 0.45 |
1 Broad Ax | Joseph Queen | 4.35 |
3 Buggy Wheels & 1 Hub | Joseph Queen | 6.10 |
1 Bench Vice & 2 plows | Barnett Adcock | 1.30 |
2 Cart Wheels | A. R. Towler | 2.25 |
1 Pair Buggy Springs | Jacob Hawk | 2.60 |
1 Buggy | David Michael | 6.25 |
3 old Tyres | David Michael | 1.25 |
4 old Tyres | R. J. Green | 2.00 |
1 Wheel 1 Hub | James R. Malcom | 1.30 |
1 Lot of Boxes | Jacob Hawk | 1.00 |
1 Saw & Sundries | R. J. Green | 2.10 |
1 Wheel & Hub | James R. Malcom | 1.50 |
2 Hubs | Jacob Hawk | 0.15 |
1 Barrel & Rig | Henry Green | 1.00 |
1 Lot Hames, Traces & Shovel | Seaborn Hawk | 0.65 |
1 Cutting Knife | Barnet Adcock | 0.50 |
1 lot of Irons | David Michael | 0.25 |
1 lot of irons | David Michael | 1.55 |
1 Set Buggy Wheels | David Michael | 1.50 |
1 Body | S. Hawk | 2.50 |
2 Axles | Powel Blasingame | 3.60 |
1 lot of plows | J. B. Queen | 1.00 |
1 Grind H___ & Crank | J. B. Queen | 0.50 |
1 Tool Box | S. Hawk | 0.30 |
1 Set Black Smith Tools 1st __ [Choice?] | J. Hawk | 60.00 |
1 Set Black Smith Tools | B. Adcock | 8.50 |
1 Hand Saw | J. D. Malcom | 1.50 |
1 Lot of Lumber & Axles | J. D. Malcom | 0.10 |
1 Buggy | Robert Acock | 3.30 |
1 lot Hames [*] | W. A. Kerage | 1.55 |
2 lot Hames | W. Hardeman | 0.50 |
3 lot Hames | R. J. Green | 1.25 |
1 Buggy | John Fambro | 7.05 |
5 1st choice Shoats? | R. J. Green | 6.25 |
1 Bay mare | Job Hawk Freedman | 35.50 |
1 Fan? | Barnet Adcock | 10.25 |
3 Stands & peas | S. R. Hardman | 1.15 |
1 Line & Hame? | B. Jackson | 0.15 |
1 Cotton Gin | B. Adcock | 30.00 |
1 Gin Band | B. Adcock | 5.00 |
Sythe & Cradle | James Ray | 3.10 |
1 Sythe & Cradle | S. R. Hardman | 3.20 |
1 Cotton Gin | Jacob Hawk | 1.00 |
25 Bushels Cotton Seed @ .27 | J. Queen | 6.75 |
Remainder 22 Bushels | J. Queen | 5.50 |
1 set of Gin gear | Barnet Adcock | 24.25 |
1 Bay Horse | R. J. Jones | 50.00 |
1 Rockaway & harnes | Doctr Hardman | 12.50 |
1 Sythe & Cradle | B. Adcock | 1.50 |
1 Buggy Body | W. S. Ivey | 0.35 |
1 set Wagon Gear | Jacob Hawk | 13.10 |
1 pair of hames | A. Hawk Freedman | 0.50 |
1 set plow Gear | Dr. Hardman | 1.15 |
1 lot plows | J. Hawk | 1.85 |
1 plow Stock & Sundries | J. Queen | 1.01 |
1 lot Gear | A. Hawk Freedman | 1.40 |
1 lot plows | A. Hawk Freedman | 1.65 |
21 Mattocs | J. R. Malcom | 1.50 |
Hammer & Sundries | John Simmons | 1.05 |
2 Bu Gums? | P. Blasingame | 4.00 |
21 More Gums? | Sawney Snow | 1.20 |
2 Syrup Kettle | J. Queen | 5.20 |
1 lot of lumber | B. S. Hardman | 0.25 |
1 Ox Waggon | E. B. Hardman | 20.25 |
1 wash pot | James R. Malcom | 7.00 |
1 gray mule | Robert Acock | 72.00 |
1 pair of Shafts | Joseph Queen | 1.00 |
1 mule | J. E. Nunnally | 111.00 |
1 gray mare | Ann A. Hawk | 80.00 |
1 bay colt | N. A. Hawk | 81.00 |
1 yoke of oxen | R. Acock | 34.50 |
1 blackheaded cow | N. A. Hawk | 21.00 |
1 red cow | Sarah Hawk | 5.00 |
1 black cow | Doctr Hardeman | 11.00 |
1 little bull | Doctr Hardeman | 11.00 |
3 1st choice hogs | N. A. Hawk | 12.25 |
5 2nd choice hogs | William Ivy | 9.75 |
5 3rd choice hogs | B. S. Sheats | 6.75 |
1 sow and 2 shoats | B. S. Sheats | 3.65 |
1 sow | Widdow (N. A. Hawk) | 3.80 |
1 corn sheller | H. H. Preston | 2.85 |
1 log cart? | George Malcom | 12.50 |
1 small still | E. A. Cooper | 10.00 |
1 large still | William C. Jackson | 40.25 |
5 stands | B. Adcock | 6.25 |
1 Flake stand | B. Adcock | 0.40 |
2 small spinning wheels | G. A. Knight | 7.00 |
1 spinning wheel | Green Hawk Colored | 0.50 |
1 bed stead and cord | John Gowens | 0.80 |
1 matrass | Jacob Hawk | 8.00 |
1 matrass | Joseph Queen | 5.00 |
1 bed stead | Joseph Queen | 0.50 |
1 table | Bedo Towler | 0.10 |
1 table | Hala Hawk | 0.25 |
Scales | J. R. Green | 0.35 |
sweet potatoes @ 40cts per bushel | J. R. Green | 0.60 |
40 acres land more or less @ 2 dollars & 5 cents per acre | J. Hawk | 82.00 |
25 acres of land @ 26 cts per acre | Robert Adcock | 6.20 |
15 acres of land @ 10 cts per acre | Joseph B. Queen | 1.50 |
15 acres of land @ 10 cts per acre | Robert Adcock | 1.50 |
15 acres | Job Hawk Colored | 5.25 |
8 acres @ 5 cts per acre | Andrew Colored | 0.40 |
1 field of wheat | Ellick Hawk | 60.00 |
interest of another field wheat | Seaborn Hawk | 10.00 |
1 field wheat | Ellick Hawk | 3.00 |
1 set of mill irons | R. Acock | 10.00 |
Listed Total | 1328.34 | |
1345.74 | My total | 1345.74 |
Sworn and subscibed before me June 14 1867
T Geles J.N. Smith
Filed in office June 14 1867 recorded Oct 5th 1867
Thomas Giles D Clk Jesse Mitchell Ordinary
MINUTES 1871 Page 62
Monday December 4th, 1871
In the matter of the estate of Hillsman Hawk deceased Georgia Walton County
Application to sell insolvent and doubtful claims
Is the ordinary of said county the petition of J.N. Smith Administrator of Hillsman Hawk deceased showeth that he has in hand belonging to said estate a considerable amount of demands such as notes accounts of which he is unable to collect after diligent effort to secure the same on account of the insolvency of the parties owing such demands that under the present situation he desires to be relieved from further effort to collect such demands for the reasons aforesaid and that the interest of said estate would be benefited by a sale thereof. Wherefore he prays an order authorizing a sale of said demands.
J.N. Smith administrator
H. Hawk deceased
Walton County Ordinary December term 1871
The foregoing petition of J.N. Smith Admin of H. Hawk for leave to sell all the insolvent and doubtful claims belonging to said estate being read and if satisfactorily appearing to the court upon the proof submitted in the case that it is necessary and to the interest of said estate to sell said claims it is ordered that said admin have leave to sell all the insolvent and doubtful claims such as notes accounts (rc") belonging to said estate upon the legal notice being given as required by law in such case.
Jesse Mitchell Ordinary