Know all men by these presents, that I Andrew Haack, formerly of
Maxatawny Township in Berks County, but now in Friderick County in
Maryland, yeoman for Divers good causes and considerations me here
unto moving, have made, ordained, authorised, nominated & appointed
my Loving Brother John Haack of Rockland Township in Berks County afore
said Miller my true and Lawful Attorney, for me and in my name to
ask, demand, sue for recover and receive and from a certain Casper
Seibert a good and sufficient Deed or Conveyance for a Messuage, water
corn or Grist Mill, Saw Mill, oyl Mill and Hemp Mill and two contiguous
Tracts of Land containing ninety acres of Land & three quarters, situate
in Rockland aforesaid wherein and whereon he the said John now dwells
and the same which the s-d Casper Seivert bargain'd and sold unto me as in
and by a certain article of agreement made between us bearing date the
20th Day of April anno Domini 1772 may appear and to have use and
take all lawful ways and means, in my name or otherwise for the Reco-
very thereof by suing the said Casper on the said agreement or by attach
ment, arrest, distress or otherwise and to compound agree and settle all
Disputes of upon & concerning Interest Money Quit Rents and the payment of
the consideration and acquittances or other sufficient discharges discharges
for the same, for me & in my name, seal and deliver and to do all other
acts & things concerning the Premises, as fully and in every respect as I
might or could do if personally present at the doing thereof, notifying
and confirming and by these presents allowing whatsoever whatsoever
my said attorney shall do in and about the premises, by virtue of these
presents In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 20th
Day of June anno domini 1778. [signed] Andrew Haack [seal] Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of Henry Vanderslice, James Whitehead, Berks SS
[seal] The 20th June anno domini 1778. before me the Subscriber one of
the Justices etc. Came the within named Andrew Haack etc. acknowledged
the willing power of letter of attorney to be his act of deed and
defined the same might be recorded as such witness my hand and seal
the said day and year. [signed] Henry Christ: Recorded and this record and
the original Dilligently Compared and found to agree exactly word for
word and figure for figure this 22 Day of June A. D. 1778.
Examined by [signed] Henry Christ, recorder.
from Berks County Mortgage Book CA, p. 86
researched by William M. Hawk
transcribed by Victor Hawk (2007)