Union Town Ala.

Sept. 28th 1856

Dear friend,

On the 25th I had the pleasure of perusing yours of the 3rd to which I now endeavor to reply. John, I had about arrived at the unpleasant conclusion that all my old associates and school mates (between my self and whom I had thought the ties of friendship, were so strong as could never be severed) had entirely forsaken, and forgotten me, and I assure you that it gave me no little pleasure to find that there were one among them (your self) who can still find time and opportunity to communicate with me. You say you wrote to me three months ago. Your letter was not received, had it been, you would have assuredly received an immediate reply. I wrote to you near two years ago, but never received an answer.

John, I regret that I have nothing that will interest you. Times here are rather dull. The cotton crop will be short, its estimate 2/3. Corn is not very good, but will be plenty, is selling at 3 and 4 bits per bushel. We had on the 23 and 24th slight frost though none to hurt. We have, through this section at this time, considerable of chills and fever, more than half of my hands are now down. My own health has become tolerable good.

John, I haint made any arrangements yet, for another year. Though I have several places in view, my present employer is anxious to keep me. Will pay $350 or $400 and it one of the best places in the vasty(?). I can do just as I please in any respect, but I want more pay. There is an old fellow has a plantation close by me, 40 hands, will pay me $500 if the man he has got leaves, and he said he is going to leave. And there is several other places of $350 and $400, I can get, but I have become devilish independent. I don’t care a drot, whether I get business or not. John you say you are flying round pretty extensively with the women. Well, my advice to you is to pitch in, there is nothing like it. It is said, that smart men is the salt of the earth. Well I think that pretty pretty women may well be termed the sugar. Notwithstanding, I am one of the fraternity, termed old bachelors. It’s true, I belong to that class, but it’s from necessity, and not from choice, John. I tell you, I have had the fattest time with them this year, perhaps. I have got out from among them swell heads, I were telling you about when I saw you last, and have got down here on Mud Creek where there is lots of the nicest sort of gals, as social as crickets, and I tell you I have trotted them through about right, but have got slightly kicked a time or to, which I attribute to their ignorance. John, you say that W. Nassey, H. Roby are both married and have got large families of children. I hadn’t heard that they were married. Well, I must say, they have done well, faught a good fight.

John I would like to see you all. I reckon I must try to come in about December. There is some probability of my going on ___ with a man in Texas next year. If I do, I will be in in November or December. I believe I can find nothing more to say, at present, unless its concerning politics, and we, I expect differ, in that respect. You I presume will vote for BucH and I don’t think any the less of you for it. Certainly, I will nary think less of a man because our political opinions differ. But at the same time, I can but think it my duty to cast my vote for Filmore, for this reason if no more. We have tried him, and he proved faithful, why should we fear to try him again?

I will close for I must go up to see Miss Marrie[?] F. or Miss Martha W. this evening and its time I were off, so good by.

Present my kindest regards to your father and mother, and other enquiring friends.

No more but remain, your friend

C. M. Leverett, or Hammer head.

N. B. Shall I hear from you any more?